Development Projects

Reducing 3,000,000 tons of CO2 emissions over a span of 15 years by increasing the efficiency of the exploitation and use of geothermal waters in Călimănești - Căciulata, Vâlcea county, Romania
EN   |   RO Registration of project for the Global Goals - Gold Standard
Project Information  |  Project impacts By 2030 Green Tech shall deliver green heat to more than half million households in main Romanian towns and starts its roll out abroad. At Green Tech, we believe that heat from the available geothermal water of the Otopeni reservoir - spanning from North Bucharest to Snagov - can be connected to Bucharest District Heating Systems. Furthermore with investments in the right locations Green Tech can supply Bucharest up to 1.5 million Gcal/year which represents 10 to 15% of Bucharest overall consumption of heat. Green Tech is equally excellent positioned to deliver cheap and constant green heat to a number of towns in Romania like Timisoara, Oradea, Arad, Carei, Curtici, etc. Stakeholder Consultation Meeting Stakeholders Feedback

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