Our 85% owned subsidiary GEOTHERM DISTRIBUTION SA operates for more than 30 years a group of 3 geothermal water wells, with associated gas fuels (gas/water ratio of approx. 1-1,5 Nmc gas/mc water), with total mineralization of 13-15 g/l, temperatures of 95-97 °C and artesian capacity of 18-22 l/s.
GEOTHERM DISTRIBUTION finalized drilling to the fourth deep well at Seaca and shall connect to Calimanesti District Heating during 2022.
The geothermal water extracted is used to deliver heat and hot water to our customers for domestic consumption and in balneal therapy.
Geotherm produces yearly approx. 441 000 m³ of geothermal water (approx. 25 000 Gcal) which provided for 625 apartments, 60 companies and 68 villas and houses.
Using geothermal water brought savings of approx. 2 500 TOE (Tone of oil equivalent) per year.
In West Romania, through another subsidiary we deliver to another 100 clients in Lovrin, Nadlac, Jimbolia, etc.